Distribution of insurance and reinsurance

V souladu s platnými právními předpisy sdělujeme všem zájemcům o pojištění a našim klientům tyto informace:

In accordance with applicable law, we provide all persons interested in insurance and our clients with the following information:

Information regarding the insurance company (only in Czech)

Insurance information (only in Czech)

Reporting a conflict of interest or breach of insurance and reinsurance distribution laws (only in Czech)

Handling complaints (only in Czech)

Report on the solvency and financial condition of the insurance company (only in Czech)

Insurance product information documents (IPID)

Travel insurance
Travel insurance with Eurocard (only in Czech)
Travel insurance World (only in Czech)
Travel insurance (only in Czech)

Property and civil liability insurance
SP Home (only in Czech)
Home + (only in Czech)

Motor third party liability insurance incl. accident insurance
SP car insurance (only in Czech)

Animal insurance
Puppy and Kitten (only in Czech)

Health insurance for foreigners
Comprehensive health insurance for foreigners GO (only in Czech)
Comprehensive health insurance for foreigners (only in Czech)
Comprehensive health insurance for foreign VIP clubs (only in Czech)
Insurance of necessary and urgent health care for foreigners (only in Czech)

Accident insurance
Health + (only in Czech)

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